Men’s jewelry can elicit bad memories, especially if you’ve been through the ‘70s but thankfully fashion keeps evolving! Men’s jewelry has come a long way and it’s been a long time since it has made us cringe like it use..
As the market dwindles, financial problems start creeping up. Soon, you find your expenses running far ahead of your reduced income. You turn to your savings and find you haven’t any. It’s then that you know you’ll have to be in deb..
Custom jewelry is undeniably more intimate and holds more value than off-the-shelf items. Every custom designed item is unique and original in a refreshing way, speaking to you in a language you know. Here’s an article from Markschneiderdesign ..
An Anniversary Ring is a symbol of love & commitment to each other. If you're looking for a great way to commemorate a special anniversary, a ring is an excellent choice. Anniversary rings come in a wide range of styles & d..
Unless you are intimately attached to your gold jewelry and the memories it invokes, selling it can be one of the easiest and most lucrative ways to make quick money. Here are some of the biggest reasons to sell your old gold for cash. Your jewelry ..
If you want to look your best, you will have to pay close attention to everything about you. One important albeit overlooked detail is to match your nail color with your jewelry, especially your rings and bracelets. We recommend you take note of this..
Ever wonder why it is that we wear our wedding rings on the fourth finger of our left hands? For crying out loud, the ‘ring finger’ is the only name we have for the fourth digit of our hands! To be honest, I would find it a litt..
The Victoria era was affectionate toward weddings and grooming. One of the essential wedding trends from the Victorian period is the wedding bracelet. Four bracelets were given to the bride over the course of the courtship, most importantly one each ..
An anniversary is a time to rejoice. What could the perfect gift to celebrate your marriage? Hardly anything says I love you better than an anniversary band at the right anniversary. Are you feeling a little muddled about which band to gift and at wh..
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned! So what happens when your spouse gets you an engagement ring that pushes all the wrong buttons in your brain’s pleasure centre? Nothing short of hell might erupt! But that is, of course, an expected ..